The Luminary Mentorship Program:

Step Into Leadership, Mastery, and Purpose

Are You Ready to Transform?

The Luminary is not just a mentorship program—it’s a life-changing journey designed for men who are ready to embrace their full potential. This 12-month immersive program takes you through the stages of personal growth, leadership development, and spiritual alignment, guiding you to evolve into the man you’re meant to be.

Why The Luminary?

The Luminary isn’t just about success; it’s about transformation. Whether you’re a CEO seeking deeper meaning, a man searching for his true purpose, or someone committed to living with greater integrity and wisdom, The Luminary is designed for those who want to lead, grow, and leave a lasting legacy.

We take men through rites of passage that shift them from boy psychology to man psychology, shaping them into emerging elders who will guide the next generation.

What You’ll Gain

  • Leadership Mastery
    Develop the skills to lead with integrity, influence others, and create impact in your personal and professional life.
  • Personal Growth
    Learn to master your emotions, strengthen your mindset, and build resilience through self-mastery and spiritual growth.
  • Initiation into Manhood
    Experience powerful initiations and immersive experiences that will challenge you to step out of comfort zones, transitioning from boy psychology to the mature, grounded masculinity of man psychology.
  • Purpose Alignment
    Discover and align with your true purpose, enabling you to live with clarity and direction, and build a life of meaning.
  • Brotherhood
    Be part of a tight-knit community of men who are on the same journey. Support, challenge, and hold each other accountable as you grow together.


Available in days
days after you enroll

The Program Includes:

Personalised 1:1 Mentorship
Receive direct guidance and mentorship to tackle your unique challenges, offering you the support and tools you need to excel.

Immersive Experiences & Initiations
Transformational rites of passage designed to elevate your mindset, strengthen your leadership, and bring you into alignment with your true self.

Leadership & Strategy Masterclasses
Monthly deep dives into essential leadership, strategic thinking, and growth techniques, designed to help you thrive in all areas of life.

Live Retreats
Attend exclusive in-person retreats that offer hands-on leadership training, masculine initiations, and spiritual practices to help you grow deeper in your journey.

Exclusive Resources
Gain access to curated reading materials, workbooks, and practical tools that accelerate your growth, helping you track your progress and keep you on course.

Your Mentor

Michael Cooper is a seasoned educator with a rich background in pedagogy and a focus on transformative learning experiences. With a multi decade-long career in teaching, his expertise spans a gamut of subjects, but it's in "The Luminary" mentorship where his true passion lies. Michael's educational philosophy is rooted in empowering students to explore their potential and kindle their inner light, a concept that seamlessly dovetails with the program's vision.

As the architect behind "The Luminary", Michael has meticulously crafted a curriculum that challenges and inspires. He is deeply invested in the success of his students, believing that everyone has the capacity to shine brightly with the right guidance. Michael’s connection to the material is evident in his enthusiastic teaching style, as he seamlessly blends academic rigor with real-world application. His unwavering commitment to nurturing the next generation of luminaries makes him not just a teacher, but a mentor and a beacon for all those who engage with the course.

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Who Is The Luminary For?

This program is for men who:

  • Are seeking to master leadership in their life, career, or relationships.
  • Want to align their actions with a greater sense of purpose and meaning.
  • Are ready to transition from boy psychology into mature manhood and masculinity.
  • Seek a brotherhood of like-minded men for accountability, support, and growth.
  • Want to develop the resilience and emotional intelligence needed to navigate life's challenges with strength.

Whether you’re a high-level executive asking deeper questions of yourself, a young man looking for initiation into manhood, or someone seeking alignment in life and leadership, The Luminary is for you.


Crafting the Path To Change


Cultivating a Visionary Mindset


Shedding Light on The Unconscious

How to Get Started

1. Enrol Today
Click the button below to secure your place in The Luminary. Limited spots are available to ensure personal attention and an intimate group experience.

2. Book a Strategy Call
Not sure if The Luminary is the right fit for you? Book a free strategy call with our team to discuss your goals and how this program can support you.

Take Action Now

Are you ready to evolve into the leader, man, and elder you are destined to be? The time is now. Enrol in The Luminary and begin your journey to a life of purpose, strength, and legacy.